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Terminübersicht Grundausbildung
First Aid Course / Erste Hilfe in Englisch
Click here to join in our First Aid-Course in English at the German Red Cross in Dresden.
This course is suitable for non-German speakers that want to obtain a driving license in Germany or want to become the First Aid provider (first aider) in their company.
It will give you the skills and confidence to respond to a range of accidents and first aid emergencies one could encounter in traffic or the workplace.
This first aid course covers the content specified in the Health and Safety Regulations by the German Statutory accident prevention regulation - Principles of prevention (DGUV 1) and the German driving license authority.
In the course you will learn how to help someone who is:
- unresponsive and breathing
- unresponsive and not breathing
- Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) including the use of an automated external defibrillator/ AED
- having a seizure
- choking
- bleeding heavily
- suffering from shock
- burnt.
It also includes information on:
- dealing with an emergency (especially assessing and monitoring a casualty, where to get help, electrical incidents)
- accident recording and reporting
- control of substances hazardous to health.
Each learner receives a companion workbook.
On successful completion of this first aid training course, you will receive an emergency first aid (at work) certificate which is valid for two years.
Learners must be physically able to carry out the practical elements of the course. The practical part can be outside. So please keep in mind, weather proof clothing is necessary.
If you are interested in our course program or further information please contact us:
+49 351 8500215 or ausbildung(at)drk-dresden.de
DRK Geschäftsstelle
Klingerstrasse 20
01139 Dresden
Fetscherplatz 6
01307 Dresden
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